
How Can Your Sales Team Enforce Your Brand?

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In almost every company, your sales team has the most interaction with your target audience. Sure, marketing gets your message out there, but sales seals the deal through direct communication with current and potential customers. As such, it’s key that sales is making a clear statement about your brand.

Consistency is necessary for successful branding. All pitches and sales communications should consistently use your current branding. Your logos and taglines should be prominently displayed in all leave-behinds and other sales materials, as well as worked into your email signature lines.

Speaking of signature lines, look for little details. Is everyone on the sales team consistent in how they display the company name? Using our company as an example, there are a lot of possible variations: Impel Digital, Impel.Digital, or just plain Impel. It may be helpful to set up a template for your signatures that includes the logo, company name and slogan, and have your sales team members just plug in their own name and phone number.

Make sure this branding is also consistently displayed not just on your website and print collateral, but all of your social media accounts. This way, when your employees state that they’re employed by you on LinkedIn and Facebook, your presence there reinforces the branding displayed in their communications. Remember that all of your digital branding should point back to your primary online hub, whether that’s your website, Facebook page or some other site.

Stress to your sales team the importance of always, always being consistent about branding, even when they get really excited about a lead and decide to put together some marketing materials on their own rather than waiting for the marketing team to do it. Branding should be on their mind in every interaction.

This is especially important in today's market, where so much communication is done via email or social media, and you can't just hand customers a physical business card. With every digital interaction, you want sales to reinforce your brand identity and to strengthen your customer's impression of your company. The more strongly they identify with your brand, the more quickly your company will come to mind the next time they have to make a purchasing decision.

With a little extra attention to detail and an eye towards consistency, your sales team can work to reinforce your brand every day.

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